In this next example we do essentially similar things but we incorporate composition of components.
That is a huge benefit as we only need to write things once but can use it multiple times.
The idea is to have a select menu and depending on what is selected we will show a different set of checkboxes.
1. Start with the usual index.html-file where you define a div-Tag with an id of your choice.
<!-- index.html -->
<div id='myapp'></div>
<script type='module' src='app.js'></script>
2. In app.js, we set up our project as follows.
// app.js
import { RobJSApp } from './Rob.js'
import { Dropdown } from './Dropdown.js'
const app = new RobJSApp('myapp')
app.defineStateVar('dropdown', 'All Dishes')
app.registerComponent(Dropdown, 'dropdown1', ['dropdown'])
app.initialRender(Dropdown, 'dropdown1')
3. Create a component called CheckboxesMeat and another component called CheckboxesVeggie.
// CheckboxesMeat.js
export const CheckboxesMeat = () => {
return `
<input type='checkbox'>Beef</input>
<input type='checkbox'>Pork</input>
// CheckboxesVeggie.js
export const CheckboxesVeggie = () => {
return `
<input type='checkbox'>Couscous</input>
<input type='checkbox'>Bulgur</input>
4. In the component called CheckboxesAll we combine both.
// CheckboxesAll.js
import { CheckboxesMeat } from './CheckboxesMeat.js'
import { CheckboxesVeggie } from './CheckboxesVeggie.js'
export const CheckboxesAll = () => {
return `
5. Finally we create our select component (we called it Dropdown in this case) that decides which combination to render.
// Dropdown.js
import { CheckboxesAll } from './CheckboxesAll.js'
import { CheckboxesMeat } from './CheckboxesMeat.js'
import { CheckboxesVeggie } from './CheckboxesVeggie.js'
export const Dropdown = (id) => {
let checkboxes
if (app.state.dropdown === 'All Dishes') {
checkboxes = `${CheckboxesAll()}`
} else if (app.state.dropdown === 'Meat Dishes') {
checkboxes = `${CheckboxesMeat()}`
} else {
checkboxes = `${CheckboxesVeggie()}`
return `
<div id=${id}>
<select onchange='app.updateState("dropdown", this.value)'>
<option value='All Dishes' ${app.state.dropdown === 'All Dishes' && 'selected'}>All Dishes</option>
<option value='Meat Dishes' ${app.state.dropdown === 'Meat Dishes' && 'selected'}>Meat Dishes</option>
<option value='Veggie Dishes' ${app.state.dropdown === 'Veggie Dishes' && 'selected'}>Veggie Dishes</option>
6. With a bit of styling it looks and works like this.
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